

My name is Caitlín.

This blog focuses on the trans female experience, transition, trans feminism, queer identity theory, and faith—with an occasional movie and restaurant review tossed in to lighten the mood. Due to my job, my posts can be sporadic, but I try to make each one worth the wait.


  1. I wish I could be like you when I grow up.

  2. Aw! Thank you so much, sweetie! And you can be anything you want when you grow up.

  3. I was aware that others trans women had written on Elsa, but I’d not had the pleasure of reading your beautiful essay prior to writing mine. I am so glad you referred me to its very earnest, eloquent, and authentic expressions. I hope you don’t mind, but I’ve now linked it in my post, as I think it makes for lovely companion reading. Your blog is wonderful and I am glad to have found it.


    • Aoife, thank you for such kind words. I was happy to read your piece and found it articulate and moving. Thank you for linking to me and I will do the same for you.

  4. Do you have a tumblr we can follow or another way to contact you? Thanks

  5. Thank you for interesting post about Grell from Kuroshitsuji/ Black butler. [https://caitlinsong.wordpress.com/2014/01/06/is-grellegrell-sutcliff-a-positive-trans-woman-portrayal/] I comment here because of it seems I can’t comment under the post.

    I like the objective approach you had on subject, regardless it being personal to you. Indeed, Grell isn’t the “perfect” role model to anybody – starting from she loses her interest in people easily and feels no remorse to kill those who she isn’t interested in anymore… As you wrote, it’s good to remember that while she might represent transwoman, she also represents a Reaper. So part of her personality would indeed be contributed to that side. Her straightforward attitude toward death could also be related to the fact that she is dead trough suicide, thus death not being anything “sacred” or “terminal” to her anymore. I personally believe that’s why death doesn’t seem such a big deal to her anymore, as she still worries a lot about other human things such as being accepted and loved.

    Anyway, I think it’s rather a good thing her not being character “too” perfect. Characters are likable because of they’re not perfect, because of we can relate to imperfect characters as we’re not perfect either 😉 I personally can’t understand hype around Sebastian, as he nearly is too perfect, having only “adorable” weaknesses like feeling for cats (though he’s amusing character for observing humans and their behavior “from the outside”). Comparing him to Grell, she’s definitely more likable as a person with her imperfect human traits like hot temper and mental weakness. In a way, Grell not being “perfect” character, makes it easier to readers to relate to all her features, including the possible transgender identity.

    Seems this turned out as fan-girl post ^^’ My apologizes & have a good day!

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